
Please find here the Self-Checks, three tools to support you assessing your profile:
Skill Check: Identify your professional skills, within and beyond the research context.
- Become aware of your transferable skills. These are often overlooked by scientists, while as a PhD (graduates) you certainly developed a broad spectrum of transferable skills. This PhD skill set is highly valued by employers, so make sure you are aware yourself in the first place.
- If you already set your career goal, assess here what skills are useful to further improve.
Preference Check:
Assess what kind of tasks you preferably would have in your future career.
This allows you to identify jobs of which the content is most aligned with what you fancy doing.
If you are motivated for a certain job but do not yet have the right qualifications, we assume that, as a PhD,
you are well able to attain the required level of qualificiations by taking up opportunities or by following specific trainings.
Value Check: Increase awareness on what is important to you, to determine what your ideal work environment would be like. This allows you to evaluate opportunities and explore to uncover opportunities with specific conditions in an informal interview.
After completed these Self-Checks you can align your Self-Check Result to our database:
The Skill-to-Task Alignment | displays the 5 jobs in our data base that are most aligned with your current qualifications. |
Preference-to-Task Alignment | displays the 5 jobs in our data base which tasks are most aligned with your preferences. |
The Self-Checks are integral parts of your career orientation and therefore specific steps within the Checkpoints of
My Plan.
Save your findings, conclusions and formulate your next to-dos (action points) in My Plan to make this your step-by-step career development plan.
You can also view how the Alumni rated the importance tasks of different job functions in Task Chart.
Please sign in to complete the Self-Checks.